CSCI A411 Operating Systems Fall 2024 (3 credit hours)

Instructor: Yilian Zhang
Email: Telephone: (803)641-3796
Meeting Time: TTh 3:05pm-4:20pm, Penland 215.
Course Website:
GitHub Repository:
Office Hour: MTWR 1:45-2:45pm, Penland 230

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Basic concepts and terminology of operating systems, process implementation, synchronization, memory management, protection, resource allocation, system modeling, pragmatic aspects, and case studies.

PREREQUISITES:  Grade of C or better in CSCI A220.



COURSE DELIVERY & ORGANIZATION: CSCI411 is a standard face-to-face course in which practically all of the content and interactions will be accessed through the Blackboard course. However, In-Person Attendance is mandatory. And students are expected to participate in discussion, work on in-class labs, and answer polls.
If you have a general course related questions, please always check whether it is already answered in Questions and Answers board. If not, then please post it in the board with detailed information. Email is only reserved for specific questions about grade. Reply times may vary from 24-48 hours but I may answer you sooner if I am available. Any questions after Friday afternoon may have to wait until the following Monday morning.

Selected topics from Chapter 1-15 of the textbook will be covered.


  • Two major tests: 40%
  • Homework & Quiz & Participation:  45%
  • Presentation: 15%


  • 90-100 A, 86-89 B+
  • 80-85 B, 75-79 C+
  • 68-74 C, 65-67 D+
  • 60-64 D, 0-59 F

Participation: This portion of grade will be based on your consistent attendance at the lectures and lab sessions, your grade on poll/short exit quiz, and on your grade in the in-class activities for each class.

Homework : There will be several programming assignments and written exercises this semester. The purpose of the homework is to reinforce the theoretical concepts from the book and it is an important component of this class.  You may discuss your homework with your classmate, but you must write your own codes.  Please check blackboard for homework information and due date.   Typed homework is recommended. 

How to submit assignment and in-class work:

Late Homework Policy: Late less than 2 days: 10% off, late more than 2 days: 50% off, late more than a week: grade zero. If you miss the class, it is your responsibility to submit homework assignment on time.

Major tests: There will be two tests given throughout the semester. Each test will be approximately 75 minutes in length. Please check the tentative schedule for test dates. If you miss the test and present a valid excuse within one week after the test date, MAKE-UP on tests will be given.

Presentation: You will be asked to read a recent research paper on operating systems, present the major findings of paper and answer questions. The presentation could be a group presentation with at most three members. Presentation is scheduled on December 12, 2024,from 2:00-5:00pm in the classroom.


  1. Computer and Communication

    • Each student must have regular access to a computer with a video camera and microphone; these may be required daily or only on occasion depending on mode of instruction or health status of student or faculty.
    • All students must be able to access and use Blackboard.
    • Each student must have internet access to receive notifications about the class and to complete assignments, if required by the instructor.
    • Students must check their university email and Blackboard announcements each day.

  2. Mode of instruction (MOI)

    The University of South Carolina Aiken reserves the right to change, adjust, and/or cancel any campus operation, including but not limited to, mode of instruction, delivery of services, or use of campus facilities, whenever the campus administration determines in its sole discretion that circumstances warrant the operational change.

  3. Get Help

    • If you have a general question about the course, please post it in Questions and Answers.
    • If you'd like to meet me face-to-face to ask a question, please drop in my office hour on campus.
      Or you may go to directly and enter the Meeting ID(299 727 0983) and Passcode(647186).
    • If you have some specific questions about your grade/attendance/etc, please email me.
    Academic Support Services: Academic support services are available in the Library and the PARC (Pacer Academic Resource Center) located in the Library. These services include academic coaching, tutoring, the Math Lab, and advising assistance.

  4. Attendance Policy

    • Class attendance is required. It is highly recommended that you do not miss any class. You cannot readily make up the material missed if you are absent. More than 4 unexcused absences may result in a grade of F for the course. Excused absences will be granted for documented incapacitating illness, Covid-19 related situation, official representation of the University, death of a close relative, religious holidays, jury duty, or subpoena to appear in court.  Arriving late or leaving early will count as 1/2 absence.

  5. Special Circumstance

    If you have a physical, psychological, and/or learning disability that might affect your performance in this class, please contact the Office of Disability Services located in the Educational Support Building Suite 104, phone number is 803-643-6815. The Office of Disability Services will determine appropriate accommodations based on medical documentation.

  6. Academic Integrity

    Please read and review the Academic Code of Conduct relating to Academic Integrity located in USC Aiken Student Handbook . If you are found to be in violation of academic integrity, a grade of F(0) may be given for the work. Additionally, a grade of F may be assigned for the course and/or further sanctions may be pursued. To avoid cheating via collaboration, do not show any other classmates your code, and certainly don't send anyone an electronic copy, even of a draft of your program. If a classmate consults you for help after attempting to run his or her program, you may assist in determining why his or her code doesn't work, but don't write it for them based on your own code. Do not lead your classmates into temptation: guard your print-outs. Don't even take the risk.

  7. USCA Code of Conduct

    Students will conduct themselves in class in accordance with the standards noted in the USCA Student Handbook. From the USCA Student Handbook: It is the instructor's right to remove from the classroom any student who disrupts or disturbs the proceeding of the class. If the student who has been ejected causes similar disturbances in subsequent meetings of the class, he/she may be denied admittance to the class for the remainder of the semester and assigned a grade of F.

  8. Mental Health

    Mental health concerns or stressful events may lead to diminished academic performance or reduce a student's ability to participate in daily activities. Confidential and free services are available to assist you with addressing these and other concerns you may be experiencing. You can learn more about mental health services available on campus and in the community via the Counseling Center website ( or by calling 803-641-3609. If you are having a mental health emergency, you may call the Aiken County HELP LINE at 877-648-9900.


    As a courtesy to the class, cell phones and pagers should be placed in such a mode that they will not disturb the class.

  10. University stuff --Title IX

    Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex of students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal financial assistance. USC Aiken does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs and in other activities operated by the University and is required by Title IX, and specifically 34 C.F.R. ยง 106.11, not to discriminate in such a manner. This extends to current students, current employees, and applicants for employment or admission to the University. If you or someone you know has experienced sex discrimination, sexual violence and/or harassment by any member of the University community, you are encouraged to report the conduct to USC Aiken's Coordinator of Title IX & Civil Rights at (803) 641-3442. Additional resources are available at

Course Schedule:

This is a tentative schedule.  The schedule dates may vary depending on the pace of the class, at the instructor's discretion.

Date Topics
08/20          Week 1
Course introduction, syllabus  
08/22          Week 1
Operating System Operations
08/27          Week 2
Operating System Structure
08/29          Week 2 Java
09/03          Week 3 Process Management
09/05          Week 3
Interprocess Communication
09/10          Week 4 Multithreading
09/12          Week 4
Java Threads
09/17          Week 5 More Thread Examples and CUDA programming
09/19          Week 5 CPU scheduling
09/24          Week 6 Thread Scheduling
09/26          Week 6 Java Scheduling
10/01          Week 7 Process Synchronization
10/03          Week 7    
10/08          Week 8 Test I Test I
10/10          Week 8 Java Synchronization
10/15          Week 9 Deadlock Prevention
10/17          Week 9 Fall Break --- NO CLASS
10/22          Week 10   Memory Allocation, GPU memory hierarchy
10/24          Week 10 Paging, Segmentation
10/29          Week 11 Virtual Memory
10/31          Week 11 Page replacement, Examples
11/07          Week 12 Directory Structure,File Sharing
11/12          Week 13 File System Structure
11/14          Week 13 File System Structure
11/19          Week 14 File System Structure
11/21          Week 14 Test II Test II  
12/03          Week 15      Review
12/05          Week 15 Wrap up for final presentation.
Presentation 2:00-5:00pm